Symbol Mermaid


A symbol*
A pool or bathtub, preferably full of salty water
A bowl of salt-water


A mermaid spell, utilizing a symbol.

Spell Casting

*Choose a symbol that will not react to water, and choose something that you do not wear every day. Pick something with symbols that you are attracted to, and symbols with a mermaid theme. It should be a necklace.

Soak the symbol in the bowl. Rub salt into your legs, drink two sips of saltwater, and rub salt onto your neck where the gills will go. Put on your symbol. Chant:

"When my symbol hangs around my neck,
And my legs are soaked to the bone,
Scales of (colour) will painlessly grow,
As I grow the tail of a fish,
And I become a mermaid.

When my tail is grown,
Gills will open on my neck,
But my lungs will not disappear,
And I will breathe both water and air,
And the water will taste like a breath of fresh mountain air.

My clothing will become scales,
My eyes will not feel the water,
And water will not sting my nose,
And I will swim effortlessly,
My tail propelling me through deep water.

When my tail dries,
I will become human again,
And if I remove my symbol,
My tail and gills will not appear,
Even if I touch water.

My change is dependent on my symbol,
And if it is around my neck, I change in water,
And if it is not, I stay human,
Until I put it on in water,
And removing it turns me human.

If my symbol breaks,
I will be stuck in the form I am in when it does,
And if I cannot find it, I cannot change,
Even if I find the exact same necklace,
Even if I repeat the spell.

I promise to keep my tail a secret,
I promise to never tell a human,
I promise to remove my symbol when around humans and water,
I promise to be very careful,
And I promise most of all to keep my symbol very safe."

Now get in the bath and lie there. Imagine your tail, imagine changing back and forth, and imagine swimming as a mermaid. Imagine sitting fully clothed in a bath, your clothing becoming scales, your whole body covered in scales. Imagine getting out, removing the symbol, and being human again. Try to feel the change. Feel the mild pins and needles of scales forming. Feel your legs fusing into a solid mass. Feel your gills. Breathe, and taste the water.

Keep your symbol on until you turn into a mermaid when your legs touch water. Avoid water touching your legs in the meantime, and check every night if your tail is done, then you can wear and remove your symbol as you please
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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