Werewolf Spell


Full moon
Night time


This spell turns you into a wolf formed werewolf, not lycan!

Spell Casting

Say the spell 10 times, when you finish it, you'll have a headache and then dizziness, but the other side effects will come in about a week or two days.

Spell: "By the light of the moon and our peircing houls, we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawaken as one the land."

Side effects: Headache, stomachache, bone aches, harrier, pointy ears, sharper teeth/nails, etc.

The night you did the spell, you'll have a dream about a wolf. This wolf will be you in your wolf form or when you are transformed.

Note: When you want to become a human again, just think about becoming human again.

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