Summon Forth Rain


1 cup of water
1 lava stone
Some hazel


Spell to make it rain. It worked wonders for me.

Spell Casting

Go outside with your items and look to the sky. Hold the lava stone in the palm of your dominant or power hand. If you are left handed use your left hand if you are right handed use your right hand. NOTE: In rare occasions your power hand might be the opposite hand you write with. Do what feels the most comfortable to you.

While meditating silently, call upon the sky, water, air, and clouds to bring rain to you. Hold the lava stone up as an offering and chant the following: "Skies above. Rain down on me now, please sky release your tears and banish this drought now"

Chant this until you notice the wind picking up. When the wind is strong enough take a pinch of the hazel and throw it to the wind. Leave rest of the hazel in a small dish or container as a offering release the wish of rain to the universe and delve upon it no longer! The rain should come immediately, but may only last for a few moments. If the rain doesnt come immediately just leave the offering and let it go
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