Magic Mermaid


Your voice
Large body of water


This is another spell to help you become a mermaid. It's easy and doesn't require many ingredients, you just need to know what to do!

Spell Casting

Hello! Yet another mermaid spell from yours truly! I am a follower of Bevverissi, but you don't need to involve her existence in the spell, she will grant you power if you follow these steps carefully.

1. You must be near a large natural body of water (ex. lake, pond, ocean)

2. Put on your charm (any piece of jewelry that has sentimental value to you)

3. Dip your toes into the water. Say:


"I call upon the ocean."


4. After saying that, put all of your feet into the water and say:


"I call upon the wind."


5. After saying that, walk further into the water, where it's up to your knees, and say:


"Guide me to a world that only they believe in."


6. Walk further into the water, and repeat it until you are up to your neck in the water.

7. Once you are up to your neck in water, grab your charm, and whisper:


"I believe too."


Results usually come during a month, so don't expect it all to happen right away! You'll see it happen soon, I promise!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.