Protection Spell


One yellow candle
One blue candle
One white candle


Call the great one Archangel Raphael for protection.

Spell Casting

Protection Spell

Needed: One yellow candle, one blue candle, and one white candle

Summon Raphael with the following...



I call to thee,
In my time of need,
Come forth Raphael,
And hear my boon,
With peace and love,
To all that I see,
So mote it be!




Light the yellow candle and say...



Protect me now,
For I fear danger near,
Protect me from bane,
And all that could harm,
Lift this burden that should not stay,
Protect me I plea,
So mote it be!



Tell Raphael your problem, and continue

Light the blue candle and say...

With the help of candle blue,
And Raphael guidance and protection,
All that harms shall not stay,
I purify thy aura,
With Raphael,
and candle blue,
So mote it be!

Tell the god/dess that you need help also.

Light white candle and say...




Divine guidance,
In which I strive,
Raphael sends to the heavens,
Where in which ( name of god/dess) lye,
Protection is mine,
With the guidance of Raphael, and the divine,
And blue candle too,
Protection now arrives,
As I will it so mote it be!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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