Healing for All




A simple spell that helps to heal even the worst aliments.

Spell Casting

Say 3x: "As the moon is waxing, so do I draw in healing energy to (insert thing that needs healing. Either yourself or anyone else). If it is the will of the God and goddess, harming none, then so mote it be!" For a waning moon cast the bottom spell only.
Say 3x: as the moon is waning, so do I cast away harmful energies for (insert thing that needs healing). If it is the will of the God and goddess, harming none, then so mote it be!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.