Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors


2 mirrors of same size
White candles


Use this spell to see ghosts.

Spell Casting

This is one new trick that I learnt from a Japanese ghost hunter. . Now, both of the mirrors should be placed opposite to each other. Traditionally if situation permits, one mirror should be facing the northeast direction and the other facing the southwest. This ritual should ideally be performed at night or at dusk. For best results, you should also choose a real haunted place. Best if you also know the name of the spirits that haunt the place; the info can be obtained by doing a simple research. Somehow, my Japanese friends think the last rooms along hotel corridors are always haunted.

When the mirrors are set up properly, a player who wishes to summon a ghost shall put his/her left palm onto the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. As with the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side belongs to ghost door (). The player should now continue to call out the name of the spirit after the candles are lit on both sides indicating that both doors to spirit realms are now opened.

It is said that once the spirit doors are opened, one should see spirits coming out from the northeastern door heading towards the southeastern door. So in our case, the mirrors act as doors to spiritual world. Theoretically, as long as both candles are burning, the player is pretty safe because the candle lights act as beacons for spirits to travel.

However, if one of the candle lights is extinguished; then whatever spirits that came out from the ghost door cannot pass through the other side. If this situation happens, then the player who stands in between the mirrors may be possessed by spirits and fainted or even becomes crazy.

Of course, when everything goes smoothly, person in between the mirrors shall see many white shadows or hearing noises; he/she may feel something is rubbing his/her shoulders as if people are walking hastily passing through him/ her. Spectators of this game may see reflections of inexplicable moving objects appearing on the mirror. They may feel cold or hot or things in the place may topple or moved. If everyone stays calm, then no one shall be harmed.

In order to end the conjuration, the candle at the northeastern corner should be extinguished first to stop spirits from coming out. As a precaution, some blessed salt should be prepared and also as space purification items after the ritual. As I heard, there are people became crazy and never recovered after playing this seemingly harmless game. So try with caution if you would, but best just to leave the ritual alone.

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