Wish Come True


Faith in God
Your tears


This is my first spell. Don't blame me if it doesn't work.

Spell Casting

1. You need to believe in god all the time and he will hear you.
2. When someone hurted your feelings or you want something that you cannot get cry for 15 minutes.
3.Bury for face on a pillow and start saying:


"Oh god pls hear my wishI wish (Your wish) because (your reason why you want it). Oh pls lord pls make my wish come true."


4.Cover your whole body with blanket and take it off you when your done crying.

Note: If you really want something or you want something to happen you have to do this when you're crying

And thx for trying my first spell may the holy light be with you.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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