Kame-inspired energy blast




This one was inspired by the "become a saiyan" spell.
But it is for anyone who has experience in the field of energy. (no pun intended)

This one is also good to use when training

Spell Casting

Stand outside in horse stance. Concentrate on the energy that flows trough your body and around you. Imagine it like a fluid. Now Firmly hold both hands half open and half closed facing each other and just a few inches apart in front of your solar plexus. Take a soft breath then after breathing it out take a strong breath. Remember to breath with both your chest and your stomach, that way the energy flows through your vagas nerve.
Keep breathing at a slow, steady pace to obsorb the energy around you, to better concentrate the energy within, and to summon all of the energy that is deep within you. At this point imagine all the energy centralized at your core. Now, pull your hands apart and bring them around clockwise if you're right-handed (or counter clockwise if you're left-handed) bringing them around so your dominant hand is on top and the other on the bottom keeping them about a foot apart and facing each other again. Once you feel ready take all of the energy you have summoned and visualize it beaming through you like a beam of great energy both forward and back. Push your hands forward and shift your stance with it having your palms face away from you while having all that energy shoot forward, and yell or shout out as you do. The Kame shout does nicely, but you can just shout or yell.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.