Easy Anger Relief




A quick and easy way to remove anger. I have done this many times and it works!

Spell Casting

Start by sitting down if you can. You can stand too but sitting is better. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Put your hands together (as if praying) and rub them together gently. Now separate the palms of your hands but keep your fingertips together (Like you are holding something between your hands).

While still breathing, imagine your anger rushing down your arms and making a ball in your hands (I see my anger as strips of red light). Open your hands and put them face up and side by side. Imagine your anger ball floating above them. Visualize that ball change into a ball of bright, white light. Let it sink into your palms and running up your arms. Then open your eyes and keep on going on with life! Blessed be!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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