Love Charm


1 ribbon
5 needles
1 paper
2 different lip glosses


This spell is quick and easy I have used this and it worked very quickly and so have my friends. It will bring love to you.

Spell Casting

Ok on the paper write " dear goddess of love I ask of thy to make _____ fall in love with me ____ " from there tell her how you meet, how long you know them, and state your problem.

Once done fold it up and kiss it. Fold it again and kiss it keep folding until its a rectangle or square. Then cut the ribbon so its long enough to go across then have it go up and to the side so like + .

On one end poke a needle through each edge in the middle put a needle there. Then kiss the top . After that put some blush on your lip marks. Now flip it the way the needles are and put the other lip gloss over all the needles and put blush on it. Then put it in a safe place .
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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