The Marriage Bottle


Heart Shaped Bottle (should be a fairly good size) with Cork
Cauldron (Cast Iron is Ideal)
Mixing Spoon (It should be at least 1 tablespoon)
Silver spoon (For scooping and putting into the jar)
1 Scoop Mugwort
1 Scoop Lemongrass
1 Scoop Rosemary
1 Scoop Meadowsweet
2 Scoops Hibiscus
3 Cinnamon Sticks
1 Scoop Mandrake
1 Scoop Peppermint
1 Scoop Black Tea
1 Scoop Basil
Peaceful Home Oil
Love Spell Oil
Love Me Oil
Come to Me Oil
Adam & Eve Oil
Convince Oil
Holy Death (Two bottles)
St. Michael Oil
Follow Me Oil
Attraction Oil
Marriage Oil


This is a spell bottle used to call one's soulmate and bring forth love eternal. Please note, preparation and execution takes two days.

Spell Casting

On the first night: Use the scooping spoon to add all the herbs to the cauldron, and then mix them together. Focus all the loving energy you can into the mixing of the herbs, digging deep into the core of your soul for the purest light you can. Let the energy infuse itself into the herbal mixture. Leave the cauldron, with the herbs still inside, next to your bed. (On a nightstand by your head is the best place). And let them sit overnight.

The following morning: Stir the herbs thrice more, filling the herbs with more energy. Begin spooning the herbs into the heart shaped bottle, be careful to not spill, (you will spill a little and thats ok, just try to not spill too much). When the bottle is full of herbs, begin adding the oils. (There is no particular order in which they must be added).

Once the bottle is full, cork it, and grab your dagger. Use your dagger to direct your spell, and say a few words asking for what you want, and pushing your desire into the universe. An example of what you could say is;

"I bless this bottle,
I bless these herbs,
I bless these oils,
Let my call be heard.
Bring my soulmate,
Bless my life,
Forever happy,
Until the end of time."

The words can be altered to your personal taste without affecting the outcome of the spell. Take the sealed bottle and store it in a safe place. The time for results varies per person, so be patient.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.