I Don't Remember You


Picture or drawing of the person you want to forget
Pencil and paper
Any way to dispose of the picture and paper (fire, paper shredder, garbage)


To forget someone who has hurt you.

Spell Casting

Get the picture/drawing of the person and place it in front of you. Get the peice of paper and pencil and wright down their first and last name. Now chant " in my memory, you don't belong. From my memory, you shall be gone" 3 times. Then pick up the eraser and erase the first letter of the first name and say " first name, I wont remember" and erase the rest of it.

Now erase the first letter of the last name and say " last name will be dismembered" and erase the rest of the last name. Now take the pencil and write " forget, forget. I won't remember. Forget forget, every letter" 5 times. Time flip the paper upside down and look at the picture. Now chant " who are you? I don't remember you. Who are you? I won't remember you. I never knew, so who are you? Who are you?" 3 times, and pick up the peice of paper. Read the words you had written out loud and crumple up the paper and the picture.

Now either burn them, shred them in a paper shredder and throw them in the garbage, or tear them up and throw it away. If you feel like you'll end up regretting your choice, then keep every last peice so you can put it back together if you end up regretting it.

The spell may end up being broken when you see their face, so try to not think about them after casting the spell. If you do end up seeing them again, chant. " who are you, I never knew. Stay that way, you will do." Over and over in your head, or whisper it until you no longer see their face and forget about ever seeing them. You won't forget them immediately, so try doing it on the weekend. It won't work if you constantly think about the spell. You will forget them within a few days.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.