All about/What you need to know about Vampirism


described below


Info on Vampirism

Spell Casting

Their are many kinds of vampirism.

The first is what I call Full Pure True Vampirism
With it you simply need to make a spell that turns you into (and specifically mention at least True Vampirism), since there none out there and I am not yet powerful enough, but I will be.

The side effects are:
the sunlight is murder and Hell without protection

Silver weakens you, burns you, and it drains you of your strength

You literally and in all reality are undead: you don't have a soul, a psychic vampire cannot drain your psychic energy because you have no soul for it to be drained from! I know from experience.

You need to drink human blood from live humans to increase your powers.
no need for sleep
and paler skin (not chalk pale)

There is also a similar kind of vampirism that is gained by saying the "ode to the vampire mother" in the moonlight (preferably outside if you don't want vampires in your house or apartment)

The only differences that I know is that you do no have to drink human blood from live humans to increase your powers and you still have a soul and therefore are not undead.

The other kind of vampirism are the kind that you can find spells for on this website (as long as they say turn me into a vampire with nothing too specific, then it will work)
the side effects are:
needing no more sleep than two hours
thirsting for blood
sun burns
super senses, speed, and strength
and paler skin (not chalk pale)

There is also what I call "the made up kind"
The spellcasters make the spell so specific and according to the way they want it, they are unlike any other kind of vampire.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.