Become a Lycanthrope


Fur, claws, and canine teeth of a wolf
Blood of a Rabbit
A metal bowl
Black and a white candle


This is a spell to become a lycan. You will turn on the first full moon and be able to turn whenever you want.

Spell Casting

You must be in an open area where you can see the moon clearly. First, place the two candles in the center of the bowl and light them. Then place the fur, claws, and teeth into the bowl around the candles.

Whisper, "hoc capillo ungues dentesque lupus animam accipimus simul mea," then, pour in the Rabbits blood, say "magnum hoc ego sacra sanguine lupus lepus deus. quaeso, suscipe me in acie pro servientes depereunt magnam. Pellentesque ac tantum exsequar praesidio praeerat omnibus malis hominibus. haec est mea. fiat."

Finally, look up at the moon and chant loudly, "ululatus, et sensibus, a lumine lunae, ego sum etiam hie in astutia ad pecus. homo ex evolutione circuli vite. unum cum terra erit renovetur."

You will turn on the next full moon.
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