Rawan's Charm


1 white candle
1 black candle
1 Dagger
Own blood


Will make someone like you more,or dislike you.

Spell Casting

Place the candles next to eachother, with a gap of 50 centimeters. Cut yourself and write the name of your target near the candles with the blood.

Now place your blood near the white candle or the black, if placed near white then is the spell negative, will make the target dislike you. Vice versa

If you placed near white candle, start chant: -"Utinam te fratrem meum, ut te potius." Chant 7 times. If choosed the black one, chant the following: "Fortis meus vos oderint. Quod utinam non amicis elit." Chant 7 times.

Do not see the target in one week, or the spell will be worthless. Do not work for love, as I said before, love is a mystery and it will always be. Add me as a friend, no spam or something. If you spam, then i will kill you're family and make they're souls haunt you forever.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.