Potion Of Power


A Jar (Or Cup)
A lid (or Plastic wrap or tin foil and a rubber band or pony tail)
Flower pedals (red or pink)
Lime or Lemon
Drop of your blood
Quiet place
A dark place to keep the jar


This spell provides the caster a boost of power. This spell is often used for anyone with abilities (telekinesis, premonition, etc) and can enhance other spells as well.

Spell Casting

This spell if often used for those with special abilities, such as premonition (seeing the future), Retrocognition, Telekinesis, Sonokinesis, and more, however, this spell can also be used to enhance other spells.
This potion can last a long time (often, as long as a month)

1. First, Place the jar or cup in front of you. Add the following in the correct order;
-Red or pink pedals (This should be fairly medium sized pedals)
-Squeeze all the juice out of the lime or lemon. Do not drop the lime or lemon in the jar/cup.
-Add a drop of honey
-Add a drop of your blood

Note: Usage of lime or lemon is optional, but recommended.
I do not encourage cutting. You may use a needle to quickly get a DROP of blood. Please don't slice your wrist or anything. No more than a drop of blood.

2. Now, you will chant the following 3-10 times (ten, recommended) with your mouth to the jar/cup. Do not consume, for flower pedals can be poisonous. Best to research on what type of flower you got.
You do not need to put your mouth to the jar, this just allows you to breathe into the jar for more energy.

"I call upon thee,
to enchant myself with power,
with the element of earth,
from the highest peak of mountains,
to the waves of angry waters,
I want the power,
so mote it be."

3. Now, place lid over jar. If you have no lid, use plastic wrap or tin foil to cover the top, and seal by placing a rubber band or pony tail over it.

Put jar in a dark place. (cabinet, closet, etc.) Keep in a small area. The smaller, the better.

Cautions and side effects:
You may instantly feel results. Do not rinse out until after a week, month, until you feel like it or until you have any negative side effects.

If potion starts to grow mold (which, often, it does not.) then rinse the jar immediately, for this will cause bad luck.
If you start to have any bad luck, check the jar and rinse it.

Sometimes, due to the flower and lime/lemon, the potion will start to have a smell (which others wont be able to smell unless they open the lid) often, people associate this smell to smell like "poison" or a strong sense of perfume. The caster may smell this even without being near the jar, and even if others don't smell it.

Good luck. :) This spell has worked for most people. For best results, do an 'Enhancer Spell' or "Spell to make a spell' before doing this. If you need the enhancer spell, want to send results, have questions or just want to talk, PM me. :)

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.