



This spell turns you into a cat, fill in the blanks with your choices.

Spell Casting

1. Find place alone outside and make circle of leaves.
2. Step in circle and sit down.
3. Concentrate and say spell.

"Dear Bast, goddess of cats,
Please hear my wish.
I wish to be a beautiful cat,
So I shall be truly free.
A desire of mine is for soft, silky fur,
The colour of ____ with a hint of ____.
My eye colour I wish to also change,
To become the colour ____.
My power, the ability to ________,
Whenever I want or need to do so.
My first transformation shall happen in ___ days time,
My powers coming in ___ days time.
Goddess of cats, dear Baste,
Bestow upon me this great magic."

Stand up, and break the circle of leaves. Do this once every 2 days till u transform and get powers.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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