Self Esteem


seven short lengths of cord (about six inches long)
seven tea lights
seven small squares of red paper or cloth


A spell that uses candles and color to help you achieve self esteem. This is a simple spell, though it does take a week to complete. You do the same thing every day, and really, they're mindless actions but you must focus on your intent for it to work.

Spell Casting

1. When getting home from school or work, place a tea light on one red square.
2. Surround the tea light by the cord, laying it on the red square.
3. As you do this, say:
"This represents me and all I feel myself to be
I wish to be {strong, virile, your own choice of words}."
4. Let the Tea light burn out
5. Next morning knot both ends of the cord saying:
"This cord carries my intent to be
{your words as previously stated.}"
6. Carry the cord with you and when you need to, remind your self during the day of your intent.
7. Repeat the same process as the first morning, also.
8. At the end of seven days, tie the cords together in one loop or make a tassel.
9. Hang this by your mirror so it can't be missed.
!0. Each morning, try to choose an affirmation you wish to use that day and make sure you act accordingly.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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