Bowynn 3rd Eye


6 white candles
7 purples candles
Yarrow Tea


Traditional Bowynn ritual to improve psychic powers

Spell Casting

Start off by setting up your altar as you normally wish. Follow up with the invokation of gods of your faith. (Note; the goddess here is from the Bowynn faith. Do not invoke her unless you are of the Bowynn faith. Instead substitute names with your own.)

Begin by sitting quietly surround by the 13 candles (they should be varies ex: purple, white, purple, white....) Speak the first prayer to Rhya, thanking her for her gifts and just being. After, start to light the candles and with each one lit say

"With Rhya's blessing"

When done take up the tea and sit on your meditative pillow with the cup of tea. Drink the tea but not all of it. Just half. Now gaze fixedly into the surface of the tea like it was a scrying mirror (If your hand is not steady, place it on the floor in front of you. Now say:

"Sweet lady Lady Rhya,
All-seeing Queen of the Gods
And deliverer of psychic giftss.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light.
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the universe, as so you wish
and as so you desire me to see.
Lord Brand, to you I pray,
Grant me the gifts thy mother gave you.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the universe, as so you wish
and as so you desire me to see.
To see, to scry, to divine."

After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your 3rd Eye. See your eye as a purple flower in your forehead that is closed. Envision it opening with each breath you exhale.

Continue this till the candles snuff themselves out.
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