Fairy Magnet


A chocolate
A perfume spray
A pillow


Helps you to attract a fairy . A fairy can grant you 3 wishes

Spell Casting

Spray the perfume all around you. Place the chocolate as an offering to the fairy. Place the pillow behind the chocolate and say

" Oh fairy , fairy , please hear me . I bow to you and your power . Be my friend and together we will create harmony . I offer this sweet to you as a token of friendship. "

Meditate and feel yourself flow to the fairy world. Imagine the fairy you want and try speaking to her. Find out who she is. Once you know her name , open your eyes. Imagine her flying around you and feel her presence . You will find her right beside you. If you don't , it means that she is an evil fairy. Try again. If you find a good fairy , she will grant you 3 wishes which you can use whenever you want. To use a wish , chant

" Oh ( your fairy 's name ) ! I am in despair ! I will use a wish . I wish , with all my heart that ( say your wish ) . Please grant it".

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.