Cartomancy #1


A deck of playing cards
Prefered card spread


Read basic playing cards.

Spell Casting

Generalisation of Suits:

Hearts : Emotions
Clubs : Social
Diamonds : Financial
Spades : Warning and Omens


3 Card Spread 

1. Past
2. Present
3. Future
3 Card Spread X2

1. Path -What is currently causing concern, the challenge.
2. Cliff - Current danger
3. Bridge - What will save you; resolve the Path.
All Aces are new beginnings:

Ace of Hearts: beginning of new Love or Healing ; Reverse(*), has to do with ones home and/or enviroment. Could represent a visit or change of address.

Ace of Clubs: beginning of new adventure; R.* indicates wealth, fame: having many friends or acquaintances. Feeling well known and being able to recieve certain perks due to good looks or social status.

Ace of Diamonds: victory, new financial beginnings or deal ; R*. An important message. A letter or package/gift arriving, the contents of which will be of much importance.

Ace of Spades: new beginnings after a clash of ideal; R*. Bad news, loss of someone close, possible death, or illness.etc.

All Court Cards Represent Infuluential People Or Aspects Of Self

King of Hearts: Represents an influential man, someone who has the power or ability to do something good for the querent.

Queen of Hearts: A trusted woman, someone knowledgeable, and faithful. One who always plays fair.

Jack of Hearts: A good friend to the querent, someone close, a cousin or confidant. Someone they have known since childhood or for a long time.

King of Clubs: Represents a very good friend. A lifelong companion, someone who can be trusted, and counted on durring times of sorrow.

Queen of Clubs: Represents a wife or girlfriend in long term relationship for a man; for a woman, it represents a sister or good friend, someone who shares a lot of knowledge about the querent.

Jack of Clubs: Represents one who uses a lot of flattery, but only to make another feel better. Someone good at cheering the querent up.

King of Diamonds: A bitter rival, or dangerous competitor for men; for women it can mean an abusive man, or decietful Lover.

Queen of Diamonds:A flirtatious woman, one who will interfere with plans. Gossipy, and very attractive to males, able to get away with things and interfere in situations.

Jack of Diamonds: A bringer of bad news, a selfish person. Not dangerous to male querents, but problems for a female one.

King of Spades: A man who will cause problems in marriage or relationships. One who will divide, conquer, and destroy.

Queen of Spades: A cruel woman, one who meddles. For women, betral by a good friend. For men, a woman who will use them for their own gain.

Jack of Spades: A person who hangs around and gets in the way. Not a bad person, but a lazy one. Someone who will get in the way of progress. Takes and takes, but gives nothing back.

The minor suit cards will be given later in Cartomancy #2
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