Turn Back into Human from Dragon




The previous spell I made (dragon transformation) didn't have a cure to be a human again, so if you want this information, here it is.

Spell Casting

You must relax your mind, and think of you being a human again. Think of you being the way your were when you were human. Feel your blood course through your body, your heart beating. Then imagine yourself changing back into your human form.

At the same time chant the following: "Humans, humans, humans, I wish to be a human. I would love and desire nothing more than to be who I used to be. God, let me change once again to who I was, who I truly am. A human is what I wish to be".

It should work within minutes or hours, like I said in my dragon transformation spell, it all depends on you.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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