Healing Poppets


Blue Felt
Sewing equipment(thread ,needles...)
If possible include a piece of the person's hair or fingernail.
Seven blue candles
Fresh blue flowers
An altar.


This spell should aid someone in healing.

Spell Casting

For absent healing you can make what is known as healing poppet. This a blue felt doll made in the shape of a person or animal. While you are cutting out this shape ,send healing thoughts to either the person or animal to be healed. Remember it is the concentration that counts. Now embroider or you can draw healing symbols onto the heart of the poppet and then stuff it with herbs such as lavender, thyme, bay, nettle and rosemary. If possible you can also include a piece of the person's hair or fingernail. As you are making the poppet , recite this mantra seven times:


"I name this poppet .......(the name of person or animal )
Let be well,
Let be whole.
Healing come fast and true.
Is indeed well. Blessed be."



Place your on your altar and put some fresh blue flowers beside it. Leave it there for a whole cycle of the moon. As the moon passes into it's waning phase, you should light seven blue candles and the bury the poppet in the earth - burying whatever disease the person healing may be harbouring in there body.

Please send me an email with your results. Thankyou

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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