Death Note Spell no.2


Note card
4 Black candles
Bat's Blood ink (ask for the recipe)
Ground up incense to burn the notecard with
cauldron or other incense burner
name of the person


This is the simplied Death Note Spell. However, it takes the same effort with dealing with the energy of death as with all, if not most death spells.

Spell Casting

Take out the note card after lighting four black candles. Write the person's name on it with Bat's blood ink. You can either get it off the web or make it yourself. If you do, ask me for the recipe. Then get ground up incense and wrap the notecard around it. Light it on fire and say, "Hail to all Dark Gods surrounding me, I plead for the death of the enemy as he caused harm to me. Therefore, strike him down and let me watch him fade." Now for the myths and corrections on the death note The death Note doesn't cause instant death. It usually takes about 3 days or even three months concerning the rule of thumb dealing with magick imo. It doesn't cause a person to fall down and die instantly, Nor does it get them into the situation quickly. Death Note is based on the anime that is based on some metaphysical fact. If you obtain the person's name and have power over it, it can cause them to fade from life in almost due time. It is well known in hoodoo to have a photograph as well as a person's name in some hexes and the person's name and intent in others. However, I can't vouch for some spells working for some people.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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