Casting A Circle




This is my spell to cast a circle. It differs in lots of ways from many. In the circle it may get warm, but it makes the person(s) inside comfortable and happy.

Spell Casting

Stand facing North and raise your wand (Or power hand) And turn clockwise and say
"With the casting of this circle I invite {Add name of Goddess} and {Add name of God} to my spell and ask that I be protected from all negative influences, I ask that only spirits of light be allowed to remain, only positive energies be allowed to participate." Once you reach North again draw a pentacle in the air in front of you. No your circle is cast.

If you need to leave the circle "draw" a door. Then "erase" the door when you re-enter.
Patching holes in the circle is easy to, Imagine the hole closing and flow energy into it.

Closing the circle, Thank all Gods and Goddesses for attending, as well as any elements. The turn counter clockwise from North and say
"I draw the energy of the circle back into myself and ask that only spirits of goodness and light be allowed to remain. I banish all negativity."

You no longer have a circle :)
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