Bury Pain


One smooth, black stone about palm sized
One black candle
A Black Cloth
A shovel


this is a spell to get rid of emotional pain and negativity

Spell Casting

This is a spell for emotional problems like depression, anger and/or negativity. You will need a place outside where you can dig and bury the stone.

Cast on a Waning Moon, Which is when spells of banishing are at their peek
on a saturday, which is a day for change and banishing.


After casting the circle and invoking as you normally do, sit comfortably in the circle and take a few moments to meditate and clear your mind. focus on your breathing.

Light the black candle, saying:

"I light this candle
so that negativity will be disolved."

Now take the black stone and hold it between your palms. Close your eyes and think (don't dwell!) on your current issues that are causing you problems. Name them out loud; This can be depression, anger, guilt, addiction or bad habit, or any emotional problem.

Force your emotional energy into the stone, imagine it as red flames under your skin, rushing from your chest, down your arms, to your hands and into the stone, while chanting:

"Pain is gone
healing has begun"

Do this until you feel you have sent all the painful emotions completely into the stone. Do this as long as you want, until you feel you are ready. Then wrap the stone in the black cloth and set it down.

After closing the circle and finishing with the ritual: take the stone, still wrapped in the black cloth and go outside. Dig a hole deep enough to put the wrapped stone in, about five or so inches should be good enough but the deeper the better. Set it in the hole and cover it with dirt, saying:

"the pain is buried and gone
my new life has begun."


Once you have transferred the emotion into the stone, wrapped it and closed the circle DO NOT touch the stone, this may send the emotion back to you. keep it wrapped in the cloth.

Don't dig up or disturb the stone once its been buried.

Blessed be )o(
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