Blessing Water


Spring/Rain water
Sacred bowl
Small white candles


How to make blessed water.

Spell Casting

On the night of a full moon gather spring or rain water andplace about a 1/2 cup into a sacred bowl, crystal, stone etc. Next, place 3 small white candles around the bowl (you can carve the symbol of the moon in your candles as well). Then light candles and add three springs of rue to the water & repeat this chant:

'In the name of the Lord & Lady& of the stars above,I bless this water in peace & love.'

Allow the water to sit and absorb the energy of the candles & you. When the candles have burned down, transfer 'blessed water' & rue in a 'sprayer' bottle for a perfect 'sprinkling/blessing' water for rituals, house blessings, tool consecrations. Keep refrigerated & only make small batches.
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