Excite Passion in Another


Red wine
Rosemary Leaves
Anise seeds
Clear Honey
Orange grind
Ground Cumin
Rose Geranium


To excite passion in another person.

Spell Casting

To a gill of red wine in a saucepan, add a teaspoon of rosemary leaves, a teaspoon of aniseseed, a teaspoon of cloves, a teaspoon of clear honey, and a teaspoon of orange rind. Also add a pinch of ground cumin and three green leaves of rose geranium.

Stir the mixture and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow the potion to simmer for two minutes. Then remove it from the heat and allow it to cool until it is not steaming before straining the botanicals out through a fine sieve. Finally return the potion to the heat until vapors begin to arise and it is ready to be served to your intended.

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