Enhance Creativity


Termopolyan Stab
Access to fresh air


A Termopolyan Spell. Immensely difficult, with severe consequences for a miscast. Increases creativity for a period of one fortnight.

Spell Casting

Before attempting this spell: Ensure that your Stab is charged. An uncharged Stab will result in nothing.

Perform the spell to cleanse yourself of evil thoughts. Go outdoors. Grasp the Stab in your non-dominant hand at shoulder level with the bottom resting on the ground. With your dominant hand, grasp your Stab as far down as you can without bending over.

Remove your non-dominant hand from your Stab. Hold your dominant arm straight out in front of you so that the Stab no longer rests onthe ground. Turn the Stab so that the bottom points out directly in front of you.

Recite the following: "Omtts le cwit'ablits altsttice. Mzhyors lyi cwiti psi." (Prn. oh-ma-tees' (a nasal, s as in pass) lae quee-thahb-lee-thaes' (th's as in path, s as in pass), ahl-thihs'-tee-cae (th as in path). Mazh-yor-ahs' (zh like s in pleasure, s as in pass) lyee quee'-thee (th as in path) pa'-zee (a nasal).)

Keep the Stab elevated for at least 5 minutes.

Possible Effects

  • Severe loss of creativity for eight to ten months (possibly up to two years), after which creativity will return extremely slowly, but will never return fully.
  • Loss of individuality for several weeks.
  • Inability to think for yourself for several days.
  • Inability to communicate for several days.
  • Inability to figure things out for several months.
  • Severely decreased IQ for several months, after which IQ will slowly return but will never fully return.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.