Magick of the Flower Crush Spell


1 Burgandy/dark red flower
1 Light Pink flower
1 White flower
3 close friends (all must believe partly in magick)
3 small white dishes
A wand
1 piece of paper w/recipient(s) name(s)
1 red ribbon


This spell will make the person you cast it on have a severe crush on you.

Spell Casting

First, have the youngest friend hold the white flower.
Second, have the the friend who is in the middle hold the pink flower.
Third, have the oldest hold the Burgandy/dark red flower, preferably all Roses.
Fourth, place the plowers on the three small dishes,
Fifth, have everyone put their hand on the wand and invision white,burgandy, and light pink energy flowing from the wand intothe flowers.
Sixth, place the flowers on the paper and roll it up like a scrolland tie it with red ribbon. Hide the paper where no one will find it.

If your making someone fall in love with someone other than yourself, make sure you write both of thier names.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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