Belief vs Reality

This article was added by Spell Casters

A guide on what spells are real, and which ones are fake, since people can't normally tell the difference on SoM(from what I, the author, has seen).

So, what is Belief vs. Reality?

Belief vs Reality(or BVR for short) is a controversial topic on whether some occult spells/rituals are real, or were made for jokes. It's been debated on(quite heatedly) in Spells of Magic, and I want to end those problems once and for all, by posting this article for the general people.

What would be classified as key points to remember about BVR?

Simply put, it's whether these spells make sense, or seem too good to be true(98% of the time, they are). And it's also good to think logically before casting a spell... Will this cause me more harm than good, if it works? Will others be benefited negatively by this spell?

If the answer is yes, then it's advised to not do the spell.

What would be classified as a "fake spell"?

Well, if you want it simply, it's anything that's outside the field of logic. But if you want a more in-depth interpretation, here's this list of things that you can't achieve via magic. Note, this is not the full spectrum, because you'd never finish the article if I did. So apply a bit of logic to any spell you see before trying it.

So, from what I think you're saying, anything that's not logical isn't able to be done? Then why does magic exist?

That's a completely different story. Values that may seem stupid in logic actually exist within the path you choose to take, more or less.

Examples include:

So, that's basically it! I hope you learned something today! TL;DR... Put some common sense in every spell/ritual/anything that you do.

Blessed be, my friends!


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