April 7th, Super Moon

This article was added by The Order

On April 7th, the Pink Moon will rise, it will be the largest Super Moon of 2020

The full Moon in April will be, what is called, the Pink Moon.

Every civilization over time has had special names for each full Moon. This was because ancient man noticed that all of nature revolved around the full Moons, and knowing what nature would do helped man survive.

Naming the Moons would mean people would always know how to prepare for the next month. For example, the Hunters Moon meant that it was time to hunt because winter was coming and game would soon be scarce. Although different civilizations had different names for the full Moon, they were all pretty similar.

The Pink Moon got its name because this is the time of year that flowers begin to bloom, often covering the land in a variety of colours. Pink is a colour not often seen in nature except in flowers, so it was uncommon and something which many people waited year long to see.

The Super Moon

This year's Pink Moon will also be a Super Moon, and the largest Super Moon of the year. A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closer to Earth than normal, and thus appears even larger than normal.

And this is a great time for spell casting!

Full Moons have often been a prized, special time for casting spells. Because all of nature relies on the Moon it is believed that the effects of spells can be increased during this time.

Choosing a spell to cast

If this is your first, or one of the first spells you have cast, selecting a rather simple spell if your best choice. Here are some suggestions based on what you may be looking for:

Love Spell https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/love_spells/attraction_spells/15208/page.html

Money Spell https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/luck_spells/good_luck_spells/9478/page.html

Protection Spell https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/spiritual_spells/protection_spells/9385/page.html

When to Cast

The full Moon will happen around the 7th. Anytime within a day or 2 of the actual full Moon will have the greatest power when the full Moon is visible in the sky.


Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.