Pass it above a candle flame (white or appropriate color for the item's purpose) pass over front, back, sides, etc.
Pass it through the smoke of good incense (pebble or herbal - do not use stick incense for this) frankincense & myrrh, Gloria, or church incense is best. (If you haven't a censor, you can use a heat proof container filled half-way with kitty litter, gravel, aquarium rocks, or just dirt, or sand and use incense charcoal - do not use grill charcoal!) Let the smoke permeate the item. This is called "censing" or "smudging".
Then anoint with oil & repeat this simple charge (or your own words to this effect) 3 or 9 times:
Items that are only to be used once in circle and then not again, need not be consecrated, if they are to be kept on the floor, or a nearby table.
Once an object is no longer used for ritual, it should be "deconsecrated", in which it is returned to it's mundane activity and the object disassociated from the spiritual uses and users. This is good to do before giving an object that has been used for ritual to another person for their use. This will release any spiritual energy you have invested in it.
To deconsecrate an object or item, you will use the same procedure as you used to consecrate the item, only this time you will say:
Please note that any elements you are going to subject your item to must be ones that won't hurt it! If you are consecrating a piece of paper, naturally you are not going to put water on it! A drop or two on the corners would be sufficient. Likewise, salt water can cause some crystals to break if they are not properly cleansed thoroughly afterwards. And there are tools that you wouldn't want to get anywhere near a candle flame, such as a feather used to direct smoke from the censor. PLEASE use your common sense when performing any consecration or deconsecration!