While the object lay on top of the mound, speak aloud the following words:
"Mother Earth, from whom all that is has come, To this object lend your heart, that yet so small, It shall become large in your power, That weak, it shall become mighty in your eye, That alone, it shall be with the many."
After the words have been spoken, remove the object from the mound, and in its former location, place and light a small amount of pungent incense of your choosing. Allow the smoke from the incense to rise and then begin passing the talisman or other object through the smoke of a pungent incense of your choosing. While passing the object through the smoke, generate and focus on thoughts of your objective or desire, of which you wish to reach through the power of the talisman, amulet, gri-gri or other object you wish to employ and are now consecrating for that determined purpose.
Repeat the following words aloud as you continue to pass the object through the smoke:
"Seven spirits, carriers of the powers of the seventh star, Guardians of the seventh door, whose names remain unspoken, I entreat you, in the silence of your seven names, To grant me the whole of my request, and in this thing, I beg your attention and power that no wish be left unheard, That no sight, go by unseen, In your care I lay my trust that thus it may be done."
When you have finished, extinguish the incense. Your object is now charged and devoted.