KatRoseIlisa's Profile

Member Info
Name: KatRoseIlisa
Birthday: Jan 16 1996
Location: California
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 16 May 2024
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
I'm crazy when I want to be...... & I really don't care what anyone thinks about me....... I can be random.... I get annoyed easily...& I love to dance around... especially in the rain... ummm..... I love to write poems & stories? You can call me Kate, Katie,Kat?
My days are short my time is gone. Time and time again I let you tell me what to do, but not anymore. My secrets are my secrets, and my dreams are my dreams. I do what ever I feel is right. I do the things that most find strange and not the normal way of doing things. I let the days go by slowly, and take in the sweet smell of dew drops in the morning. Walking slowly to my death. Slowly to my end. I can see how too let my feelings and my life just flow out of me and into a black inky abbas. I see all my emotions and all my fears wash away to reveal just an empty shell with nothing but a cold evil chill to stir up an empty corpse. ~ Kat