Get your Crush to Love You!

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SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► Get your Crush to Love You!
If you do this properly, it should make your crush like you within 24-72 hours.

Casting Instructions for 'Get your Crush to Love You!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -Lip Gloss/Stick; any type or color, doesn't matter.
  • -A clean sheet of plain white paper.
  • -Pencil/Pen/Marker/Etc.
  • -Paper Clip
  • -A safe place to keep it.
  • -Quiet Room
  • -A focused mind
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -Lip Gloss/Stick; any type or color, doesn't matter.
  • -A clean sheet of plain white paper.
  • -Pencil/Pen/Marker/Etc.
  • -Paper Clip
  • -A safe place to keep it.
  • -Quiet Room
  • -A focused mind
Go into a quiet room. It really doesn't matter if someone else is there with you as long as they're quiet and aren't distracting you. Sit crossed legged on the floor and take your lipgloss ( or lipstick ) and apply it thoroughly to your lips.

Take the piece of paper (rip it into a rectangle-type shape), and press your lips to the center of the paper; essentially kissing the paper.

Then, take your means of writing ( Pen, pencil, marker, etc.) and write your crush's full name above the lip print; example: Jamie (if you know his/her middle name then put it there but if you don't it really doesn't matter) Quinn Maslow.

Put the paper in front of you, as you sit cross legged, and hold your hands about a foot above. Close your eyes and really concentrate on it *think of your crush AND the spell*

You should feel a slight pull towards the paper but resist it.

Say ''*Crush's full name* needs to love me. Have him/her see the true qualities that consist in my soul, and I shall do the same. Spread our love eternally and forever until we both die. He is funny, smart, and witty, along like me and I promise to do nothing but saint-work for eternity.'' JUST ONCE!

Open your eyes and fold the paper in a hamburger, kiss a side, fold it again until it's like a square. Kiss that once more then use the clip to keep it shut.

Make sure to keep that safe until you want the spell broken.

It worked for me, and I hope it works for you. Message me if it does!


Added to on May 10, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I really hope this works i will update this if it does! :)

Feb 24, 2022
did it work?

Ima test it and update y'all if it works!

May 19, 2024
Did it work?

As outlined, this does not work. You cannot get someone to love you in such a short period of time, especially with such little Magik. You need to repeat a chant to build energy. Saying it once does nothing. The items listed do connect your energy to your crushes, nor do they contain love energy. The chant is also flawed. It sounds deranged, possessive, demanding, and unrealistic. Not to mention it does not flow correctly. On a personal level, you are forcing someone to be with you. This is not love, this is manipulation. If you have a crush, you can try a love spell to make them notice you, but love spells work to remove barrier and help you talk to them. They do not force them to obey you like some love zombie. They will still have free will. Unless you rework it, I do not see this working well if at all.

I will also warn you to be specific, accurate with your wording, and do not over charge a love spell. Doing so can result in a stalker. I know teens are obsessed with Magik for two reasons; love and vengeance. Ever since middle school, I would have students approach me and say the same thing ''You're a witch, right? Can you cast a love spell/curse for me.'' I can only think of one instance where the request was justified. The vast majority were either a love spell because they were too afraid to talk to their crush, or a curse because they were jealous of someone. I also know my warning will fall on deaf ears because I would give this explanation to the request only to be told why ''my situation is different'' when it never was. Love spells come in a variety of types, but the make your crush love you spells are the absolute worst. Not only for the fact you are forcing someone to be with you, but those who cast them seldom remove emotions and truly contemplate what they are doing. Yeah, I thought about it, and I determined it's the right thing to do. You did not. You went it is morally wrong to force someone, but this situation is different because I'm in love. That is not thinking about it subjectively. You barely know this person and you are forcing them to be with you forever. A spell makes them go out with you, and then it fades away. You need to build that love, the spell will not make it for you. The spell fades, the person leaves you. This leaves you with two options, either do the work required for a serious relationship, or cast love spells every month forever. The second option will definitely backfire.

I found a similar spell back in high school. [only difference was the chant] Didn't work. I cast it a couple of times, never worked. While I'm not a fan of ''Get your crush to love you'' spells, don't waste your time on this one and find a spell that actually works.

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