Tarot Card Reading

Your Tarot cards have been shuffled and are spread out below.

Your spread is the Calendar. Below is a brief summary of what each card in its position means.

Card Position 1 - 3 of Swords Card Position 2 - 3 of Wands Card Position 3 - Queen of Wands Card Position 4 - The Tower Card Position 5 - 4 of Cups Reversed Card Position 6 - The Chariot Card Position 7 - The Sun Card Position 8 - Page of Swords Reversed Card Position 9 - 6 of Swords Reversed Card Position 10 - 5 of Pentacles Reversed Card Position 11 - The High Priestess Card Position 12 - The Devil Card Position 13 - The Fool

Magic Video Calendar Video
Watch this video for details about the Calendar spread from our video library.
A reminder that this is a VERY brief summary of your spread. Typically the analysis of each card can be as long or longer then everything written below.

The Calendar spread is used for answering a question and giving an answer to 'when'.. There are 13 cards in this spread. If you place your mouse over any card you will be able to see the card position number and the name of the card delt there. This is what your spread means:

3 of Swords The first house - Aries - describes the inquirer.
Card: 3 of Swords - Tears are on their way, may be romantic.

3 of Wands The second house - Taurus - denotes finances and material goods.
Card: 3 of Wands - Fortells success in business or creative endeavours.

Queen of Wands The third house - Gemini - short journeys and communications.
Card: Queen of Wands - An independant, charismatic woman.

The Tower The fourth house - Cancer - home and family.
Card: The Tower - Change is about to turn your life upside down.

4 of Cups (reversed) The fifth house - Leo - pleasure, romance and creativity.
Card: 4 of Cups (reversed) - Fear of being alone.

The Chariot The sixth house - Virgo - health matters and day to day work.
Card: The Chariot - Hard work is about to be rewarded.

The Sun The seventh house - Libra - partnerships, personal and business.
Card: The Sun - Happiness and vitality.

Page of Swords (reversed) The eighth house - Scorpio - denotes deaths, major changes, inheritance and sexuality.
Card: Page of Swords (reversed) - A tricky child.

6 of Swords (reversed) The ninth house - Sagittarius - long distance travel and philosophy of life.
Card: 6 of Swords (reversed) - Continuing difficulties.

5 of Pentacles (reversed) The tenth house - Capricorn - career.
Card: 5 of Pentacles (reversed) - Hard work will improve a financial situation.

The High Priestess The eleventh house - Aquarius - friends.
Card: The High Priestess - Indicates a Sixth Sense or hightened perception.

The Devil The twelfth house - Pisces - hidden things, unconscious wishes and fears.
Card: The Devil - Represents the material world.

The Fool When could not be determined. It may not be possible in the next year.
Card: The Fool - Take a risk and do not worry what others think.