
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► SaraLee
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Post # 1
Hmmmm... what can I say that I didn't put in my bio? Lets see... I have a boyfriend. I own my house. I live in Florida. I have no pets. No kids (here). I became interested in witchcraft when I was a teenager, but my Roman Catholic parents wouldn't hear of it (funny cause they never went to church). These days my dad is way more relaxed and uses smudge sticks to clear negative energy, and listens to chanting to help him chill out. My mother on the other hand is walking through life in a fog. I hold monthly full moon rituals in my back yard, and am even thinking of erecting a stone altar between a couple of trees. Speaking of trees... I see you have a spell for talking to them. I talk to trees on a regular basis.
What do I hope to get from joining your group here? Well, I would like to connect with a few experienced people who could help guide me in the right direction when it comes to divination, and I really need help with my spellcasting. And of course, I am excited to be able to talk to other witches in general... there don't seem to be many here in Florida. Though I am never hesitant to say I am a witch, I find that alot of people don't really care. I haven't felt prejudiced against not even once because of my religion and I wear my pentagram proudly dangling from a chain around my neck.
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