Jar spells question

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Jar spells question
Post # 1
So, I was reading and lurking in the forums to have some other learning from the practitioners. then I saw some recent posts about jar spells. I am not interested and have a lot of questions about it.

Honey Jar spell questions:
1. Is it just fine to only use the available ingredients you can find on your kitchen? or do you rally need to add herbs on it to be effective enough?
2. How long does the jar can be stored?
3. Can you end it or not?

Vinegar Jar spell
1. For break up: do you exactly need to use black cat and dog's fur? or you can use other fur colors if black i unavailable?
2. Does how you shake the bottle matters? Or does it bear a big effect on the spell?
3. Can you use just the available ingredients you can find in your kitchen or you need specific herbs for it too?
4. How can you end the spell?

So, there are my questions. I hope you help me my friends. I can't find a solid article about this spells.

Thank you in advance! ^_^
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Re: Jar spells question
Post # 2
With all the question about the ingredients just remember that The early witches didn't have every single ingredient in the world. They substituted what they had. Know a days, many sites try to make you think you need an ingredient so you order it from them, and that's nonsense. As long as you have faith in an ingredient working, it will work.
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Re: Jar spells question
Post # 3
@farina- thanks! Well, thats true! Its just that i am curious as a beginner. The longer i read and learn about things like these, the bigger my questions are and curiousity really sparks. I consider this kind of dedication as a good sign right? Honestly, i want to learn more and faster, but of course you cant rush things. I just want so.ething to write on my note for reminders.
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