HunterMeraki's Profile

Member Info
Name: HunterMeraki
Birthday: Feb
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 10 Jan 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
To whom it may concern,
My first name is Hunter. My last name is not Meraki. I chose Meraki though because of its definition in the Greek culture. It means to do something with soul, creativity, or love.. to put something of yourself into what you?re doing.
I am twenty years old, a creative artist and currently an interior design student actively involved in numerous collegiate organizations and work a full time job to support myself. Additionally, I have a knowledgable background in astronomy as well as interpersonal relations.
I do not believe in the act of complaining and I consider myself to embody the essence of the Page of Wands (getting ready to transform into the Knight). That being said, you can learn a lot about me with a little bit of research. I enjoy expanding my consciousness, meditating, and have been practicing tarot for eight months to date. Additionally I have been studying crystal healing and working continuously to keep my chakras in balance.
I am a new member and thus have very minimal experience with magic, although open-minded and eager to learn. Recommendations, tips, or advice are always welcome and greatly appreciated.
Best, xx