Acherusia's Profile

Member Info
Name: Acherusia
Birthday: 1989
Location: Europe
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 30 Oct 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
It's a few years that I have began to look for something and I hope to find some answers and share experience. You are welcome to contact me but I warn you: at the moment I'm learning and everything I can tell you comes from my experience and I'm still trying to work it out. Please don't be offended if I won't answer for days because this is quite a busy moment in my life. I won't answer to mails with no specific subject or just "hey" or "hi" unless we are alredy on friendly terms. Please take note that I have very little patience! Honestly I'm quite tired of pointless mails..state your business clearly or your mail will be ignored. Plese, please, please no fluff at all! Even if I'm not learnd in the craft I'm quite sure nobody can sprout wings or fangs. If I mispell some words please be patient because English is not my mother tongue. =)