MabonAzure's Profile

Member Info
Name: MabonAzure
Location: Michigan
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 18 Aug 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I was raised Roman Catholic but I have always been an adept regarding visions, and premonitions for the past 40 years.
I have been having OBE's for most of my life. For many years I have searched for an understanding of the spiritual/metaphysical world. I have come to realize that the Trinity is God the Father, The Son Jesus and Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit being the feminine aspect of the Trinity. I chose my name after learning that my birthday September 21st, is the Beginning of Mabon.
Being the first grandchild and son of the eldest daughter, I was around the women of my family quite a bit. I was a very keen listener and observer, and besides what I was learning from Television shows like Bewitched and movies like the Wizard of Oz, I suspected that my Grandmother and a couple of my Aunts were involved in the practice of magick. I later learned it was more of a recognition and not imagination. It has taken me several decades to get the truth regarding the last statement, but I will not go as far to say they were practicing Witchcraft, but I will go on the record that some relatives of my family were in fact and still are, spiritual and metaphysical adepts. Some of them have cast spells and are very familiar with the rituals of magick. It is with this knowledge that I now understand who I am and why I have been attracted to the Supernatural. I recently discovered that a great aunt from my Mother's side was in fact a practicing Witch. I have always been drawn to the Moon and for almost two years have been collecting Crystals, Charms and Spell books in an attempt to gain more knowledge of what I believe in. I dedicated during the SuperMoon June 23rd 2013.