GemmaD's Profile

Member Info
Name: GemmaD
Location: U.S.A.
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 31 Dec 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have had emotion/ energy related senses for as long as I can remember. I've been an empath for my whole life (major problem in middle and high school, especially when I rode the wavelengths of someone else's emotions without knowing the emotions weren't mine).
I've also had what I've recently been told is called psychometry (I've sensed things from objects for years but never had a word for it).
The trouble is, I grew up in a family that doesn't support this part of me. On the contrary, they see it as impossible or insane.
So I've never been able to fully explore my interests, and I've never really been able to learn.
In the past months, I've lost my way - I feel myself slipping into the defeatist lack of faith that my parents pushed on me for so many years. I feel I have lost touch with my abilities; I have lost touch with myself.
I am hoping against hope that I can find someone to take me under their wing. Someone who can help me find myself again.