Lemon Ring


Ink pen
Yellow paper
A knife (to cut the lemon)
Small plate
Cup of salt(sea salt or table)


To help make problems go away.

Spell Casting

Take the pen and paper and make a list of all the problems in your life, and the possible practical solutions.Take a look at the list and see how many you can accomplish today.Now set your to do list aside. Cut the ends of the lemon off. Then slice the lemon into 5 equal slices.Arrage the slices on the small plate in a circle, in a rough star shape.As you sprinkle the lemons with salt ,completely cover them up (use plenty of salt) and repeat the following charm:

"In this lovely ring of lemon rounds,
no more anger will be found.
Sour feelings go to sour fruit,
pay attention now, I'm giving you the boot.
Salt breaks up negativity and bad luck,
my love and energy sets this spell free.
by the power of three times three,
as I will it, so must it be."

Repeat three times. On the last verse, take your index figure and draw a counterclockwise spiral over the plate. Draw the spiral faster and faster, higher and higher until you fling the energy off your hand and out into the world. Brush your hands off three times three and announce: "The spell is sealed".

Now take the list and try to accomplish them in one week leaving the lemons undisturbed ... they need to dry out completely ... add more salt if needed ... when there dried out and shriveled up throw them away along with your accomplished list.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.