Full Moon Mermaid


Picture of full moon
Picture of the moon


This spell turns you into a mermaid you don't have to be in a bath tub or anything like that. Your power and tail should come in the next full moon.

Spell Casting

First off. You should get a necklace or a sea sell and put it on a chain. You put your writing hand in the water. (could use a sink) Then get a picture of the full moon and stare at it. Then put the necklace on and say:


"Tohesse-nah, 1,2,3 let my legs retur to me, when I get a tail, tohesse-nah to mermaids."


Side effects are: Headaches, sudden thirst, and stomache aches.

Your powers & tail should come on the next full moon. Good luck and as I always usally say bless it be!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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