Totem Animal Dream


Psychic Dream incense
Small representation of a bear (such as a charm or toy)
Your dream journal


This technique is similar to Linking With Your Totem Animal on page 180, but carries the process one stage further in that you have a special request in mind. The representation of a bear is used here, but you may choose to use your own totem animal. The more tactile this image is the better, though you would not use for instance a teddy bear, since this has become more of a fantasy animal. You need to be able to hold whatever you choose in your hand.

Spell Casting

Burn the incense before you go to bed. Using the representation of the bear as a starting point, hold it in your hand.

Visualize your bear or animal to be as lifelike as possible (only use a picture or photograph if nothing else is available). You may find that the image you finish up with is nothing like the one with which you first started this does not matter.Ask the animal for the assistance you need. Wait quietly until you sense the animals co- operation.

Visualize the bear allowing you to climb onto its back and the two of you starting out on your journey. By now you will have achieved a slightly altered state of consciousness and can allow the bear to take control.

Allow yourself to drift gently off into sleep, knowing that you are perfectly safe. Alternatively, remain in a state of waking awareness until you feel satisfied that you have received the information you need, then compose yourself for sleep.

In the morning, record your dreams and impressions and correlate them to the request you made. Often in using this method you do not receive the answer immediately, but you will find that the answer will present itself, usually within 72 hours of initiating the process. If no such answer is apparent, repeat the technique at intervals until you are confident in the result.
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