To Break a Spell you have Cast


As many white candles as you feel is appropriate
Purifying incense (such as benzoin or rosemary)
Rosemary oil
Angelica or rosemary herbs
A bead from a necklace you own - clear if possible
Small square of black cloth
Cord or thread


There are times when we have cast a spell that we should not have done, either because we have not thought it through or because we have reacted in anger and later realize that it was inappropriate. Then we are honour bound to undo it. This spell is representational and the best time to do this is after midnight at the time of the Waning Moon.

Spell Casting

Anoint your candles with the rosemary oil, working from bottom to top, since you are sending the spell away. Light the incense and let it burn for a few moments to raise the atmosphere.

Light your candles and as you do so think very carefully as to why you cast the first spell, what it has caused and why you wish it removed. Then say: "Great Mother, I ask a favour of you On (date)I cast a spell to (insert type of spell])I now ask for it to be removed and rendered harmless May it have no further power or gain".

Place the bead or jewellery and the herbs on the black cloth and say: "Here I make sacrifice to you knowing that I must relinquish this object as token of my good intentions." Knot the cord around the cloth, saying as you do: "I transfer the power of the spell to this object And enclose it within its own darkness So be it."

Use three knots for finality. Seal the knots by dripping wax from one of the candles on them. Then take the bag to a source of running water or a clear space and throw it away as far from you as you can

If your first spell was done in anger or fear, then say: "Begone anger, begone fear. It is done". You should find that you have got rid of any negativity you may have felt. Insofar as you have given up something which belongs to you, you have cleared yourself of the law of cause and effect and of any spiritual difficulty as a result of your initial action.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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