Want Spell


A marker pen
A fully grown leaf


Since Mother Nature supplies our most basic needs, this spell uses the cycle of her existence to help fulfil your wants. The leaf is representative of her power and you are using natural objects to signify that all things must come to pass.

Spell Casting

Write or draw on the leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want. Lay the leaf on the ground. As the leaf withers, it takes your desire to the Earth.

In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish. You may also throw the leaf into running water or place it under a stone if you wish.

This is a spell which owes a great deal to folk magic and an appreciation of the cycle of growth and decay. In such spells, it is usual to use a leaf that has fallen rather than pick one from a tree. If you do the latter you should thank the tree for its bounty.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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