To Focus your Lover’s Interest


A clean piece of paper
A pen you like


If you find that your partner’s attention seems to be wandering, try this spell. It is best performed on a Friday, the day sacred to Venus the Goddess of Love.

Spell Casting

Taking your pen, write your first name andyour lovers surname on the paper.

Draw either a square or circle around them.Use the square if you decide all you want with this person is a physical relationship,and the circle if you are utterly convinced this person is right for you. With your eyes closed say:"If it be right, come back to me" . 

Cut the square or circle out and place it inside your pillowcase for at least three nights.Your lover should show renewed interest. It is said that Venus will not assist if there is any intrinsic reason for the relationship not to workout for instance, if your partner no longer loves you, you may be unsuccessful in your aim. This you must accept, knowing you have done the best you can
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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